Love Charged Battery

Friday evening at the parents, we had to call AAA to jump start my car (thank you again Dad & Pauline!) because of a dead battery. Saturday morning the car started fine and I went to my workshop, and home again without incident. Sunday = no need for the car. This morning, the car sort…

The ICK in Traffic

I can not complain. I drive sixteen miles to work before rush hour. If I leave before four o’clock in the afternoon, I can generally beat traffic on the way home. These are a few of the perks of a high school teacher living in Tampa. I wish I could not say that I do…

Entering the Maze

Certainly not an original idea, but as I walked the labyrinth on February 2, 2104, I pondered life. The labyrinth is a good metaphor for life: we enter. There are goals. The path to those goals often take sharp turns that seemingly take us backwards instead of forwards. Yet, if we are aware, each step…

We Meet Again, Dear Friend.

Today, Alpha meets Omega. Not for the first time. They are old friends. On one calendar, tonight will be their 2,012th reunion. Yet, in reality, they have met infinitely. For where does one end and the other begin? How does it all start? Does it end? So, tonight as you round the corner, To say…


“If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it.” — Yogi Bhajan Those who CAN, teach. The person who coined the saying of the opposite knows nothing of teaching. Thank you to all the teachers in the world,…

Christmas Tree

christmas tree, originally uploaded by j a gilgan. May the Light of Christmas shine in your hearts and souls on this Christmas Day, and Every Day of the year! (Photo made by “painting with light,” using a flashlight and colored cellophane to paint in a dark room. Created 2006)

Second Step, Sincerely.

Just because I adore alliteration. Finding myself quietly reflective, sitting in a faux Paris – a delightful Parisian style bakery/cafe in the middle of charming Hyde Park (Tampa). So cosmopolitan of me! as Bing croons, “…if only in my dreams…” (I’ll Be Home for Christmas). Seems rather appropriate. And I do adore serendipity. It all…